Omori: Our Thoughts Will Follow AU

Our Thoughts Will Follow is a fanmade supernatural Omori alternative universe of the post-truth, normal route ending (no visible disappearance of Somethings), along with not receiving the Universally Loved Achievement. Entering Sunny's mind is going to be a long, and heart-wrenching journey.

OMORI game and all characters belong to OMOCAT.
AU story and art created by eggsoupery / Chell
This site will be updated every now and then!
- 8/12/24 (There is now a secret website within this one, try to find it!)


Many of the songs from the soundtrack come from the original OMORI game or from anime, like the Higurashi no naku koro ni Visual Novel OSTS.
The Spotify playlist is songs for future MVs and animatics, or just gives off the overall vibe of the fanseries.


So, what is "Our Thoughts Will Follow"?

It takes place during the Normal, True Route (no plant watering for Basil and no visuals of Something disappearing aka Secret Ending) and no Universally Loved achievement. There's also a new, extended Hikki route for Sunny. This series is in a visual novel format, with some animatic themes. This AU series is created, drawn, and edited by Eggsoupery, or Chell.This series is a 3 year timeskip. Sunny and Basil admits to the death of Mari almost 3 years ago. This causes a bit of a rift in their relationship between them and their friends, but they all try to make it work over the years.Sunny feels like it is his fault for the fact that its so hard to get all of his friends together as a full group again, not to mention they’ve entered adulthood and they all have their own things going on. Sunny lives with his mom hours away from Faraway, Aubrey and Basil are roommates, and Kel and Hero still live together. Hero is planning on pursuing a career in psychology, and is planning to move out soon. Sunny can't help but feel like he ruined everything. On Sunny's 19th birthday, his friends all come over as a surprise to celebrate, but Sunny is feeling very overwhelmed. He originally had plans to commit suicide on this day.
Sunny's "Something" has evolved - it is no longer directly involved/connected with Mari's death, but rather his own individual sense of self worth. So far, Basil is the only one to notice and he becomes worried. Before they sing happy birthday and give him gifts, he excuses himself and goes to the bathroom. Sunny doesn’t return for a while, so Basil opts to check on him. Basil is terrified to see Sunny’s "Something" grew larger and unstable, resembling a big black pool of water. Sunny trembles in the corner of the bathroom and starts crying. The others make their way into the bathroom, finally viewing Something for the first time. Before Sunny's "Something" fully pulls him into the ground, he briefly tells Basil his final wish. Sunny belives this is his [final punishment] __ Sunny’s Something goes completely rampant, engulfing Sunny, and all of his friends. Everything goes black. Basil and the gang wake up in what appears to be.. Neighbor’s Room, but where’s Sunny?
As the story proceeds, we will learn that each character has unresolved, inner demons of their own. How long will it be before they are all engulfed by it, and can they truly make it through Headspace without losing their sense of self?

Themes and Inspiration

☆ HIGURASHI/WHEN THEY CRY (Resetting of timelines and harmful/aggressive paranoia)
☆ EVANGELION (mainly the Third Impact and the psychological aspect of it)
☆ MADOKA MAGICA - resetting the world, dying over and over to save the ones you love.
THEMES: Healing not being a linear process, Suppression, Isolation, Ascension, Confronting yourself, Ego Death, Rebirth, Resetting.


Chapters will be released on Youtube on @Eggsoupery. Currently, the number of chapters total is unknown, but most likely 10-13 total. It will be separated into Act I and II, with Act II being the heavier part of the series along with its finale.
Chapters range anywhere from 25-60 minutes.
Chapters will be a mix of visual novel format, omori battle format, animations, and animatic format.
Please be patient with me and don't spam pressuring me to complete sooner, I do all of this alone, so I'd rather take my time. Thank you! <3
My process is normally: Writing stage, Drawing Stage, Editing Stage, Rendering/adjusting anything before upload.


CHAPTER 1: DESCENDCHAPTER 2: A FOOL'S PARADISECHAPTER 2.5: Voice Acted Character Q&A #1 (Recommended, there's some important lore. I highly recommend watching at least timestamp 25:54, as a new character in the story is introduced!)CHAPTER 3: WHEN TRUE LOVE SPROUTSCHAPTER 4: VOWS IN VAINCHAPTER 5: WHISPERS IN THE DARK


CHAPTER 7: FROSTBITE - Final date: October 2024! - (Editing Stage- 30% done as of 10/14/24)

You'll just love this piece!




Maybe.. it's not too late for me..?

......A voice awakens.Hello?
You.. you can hear me?
* You ask the voice if his name is Sunny...Yes.* You ask Sunny where he is.
Why do you keep trying to find me..?
Can't you understand that this is what I want?

* You tell the voice that his friends love him very much, and that they're looking for him as we speak....Looking for me? They.. they're here..? All of them? How is that possible?
Aubrey, Hero, Kel..
..Basil.No.. What have I done? I can't let them see this.* See what?I-I don't know how to get them out. What will happen to them..?! What if he hurts them?
No.. he wouldn't do that, right?
* He sounds incredibly frightened.* You tell Sunny everything is going to be okay.I.. don't want them.. to be hurt. They don't deserve to be in this Hell with me.
I've made this all worse. Please.. just go.

* You tell Sunny if he wants to rot in his head, then so be it....I deserve to be dead. I deserve to be killed. I feel like this is my last resort.
That's why I'm here.
It's okay if you think this is the coward's way out. You're right.
But I feel like I've ruined everything for them, and going back will only make things even worse.
..Can you tell everyone I'm so sorry, and thank you..?..and....Can you tell Basil that I love him?* The voice is gone. You are left alone in the dark.



AGE: 19 | HEIGHT: 5'7
"Will you come save me? My best friend.."
SUNNY has gone through quite a lot throughout the years living alone with his mother, and away from his friends. He has unfortunately fallen back into his old tendencies as a Hikkikomori. Sunny has admitted the truth about Mari's death, but he has come to realize he still hasn't taken care of his mental and physical health very well. He doesn't have the greatest self worth, even now. He doesn't want to admit it to his friends that he is still falling apart and that his condition is slowly worsening. He doesn't wish to worry them any more than he already did. Sunny's Something has taken a new form as well, resembling a big, black pool of liquid, which represents him drowning in his own sorrows. It can be seen in Sunny's bathroom and bathtub, and even leaking and glitching things out in Headspace.
Sunny turns to help, but not to his friends, to OMORI.He begs Omori that he wants to be put into an eternal nightmare, and gives Omori control of Headspace. He feels like this is what he deserves. Sunny believes that his friends will be happier if he's gone - not thinking through how this will truly effect them. Sunny doesn't have the courage to take his own life, he believes he deserves a punishment worse than death. He believes he was let off too easily by his friends on what he did years ago.FLOWERBOY SUNNY'S outfit is a parallel to HEADSPACE BASIL.


AGE: 19 | HEIGHT: 5'10
"No matter where you are Sunny, our thoughts.. will follow you into your dreams."
BASIL is still paranoid, but better at hiding it than when he was 12-16. He has learned to suppress his Something over the years, but there's a chance it could still appear. In this AU, Basil's Something never disappears, but takes a new form instead - One that represents his own self hatred rather than symbolism of Mari's death.Basil will do whatever he can to help his friends, but he tends to forget about his own well-being. Infact, he has neglected it for a while now. His Something hasn't vanished and has managed to evolve into a new form: Arum. What he sees as he ventures deeper into Headspace is going to test his limits. He has never been much of a fighter, but he is going to fight long and hard to protect what he loves. However, Basil's constant need to protect others will only get him hurt. If he fails, he breaks more and more.
ACT 1 Basil's stress is bad, however, ACT 2 Basil's stress is maxed out, leaving him with permanent red eyes. He has a more serious attitude than ACT 1 Basil, who is a lot more trusting. Being in Headspace long enough made him realize that he was too lenient. In order to get out and save the one he cares for, he is forced to grow tougher skin.


AGE: 19 | HEIGHT: 5'8
"Both Omori and Sunny are nowhere to be found.. This world is a bit messed up. I hope it doesn’t get any weirder than this."
Aubrey is Basil's new roommate. She's grown to be a little protective of him over the years due to his declining mental health. After the truth was revealed, Aubrey needed some space from the Faraway friends for a couple of months before slowly interacting with everyone again. During this point, Aubrey's relationship with her mother began to worsen. Around the age of 18, Aubrey ran away from home one rainy night and was crying alone on the sidewalk. Basil found her and brought her back to his home. He insisted that it wasn't safe there and that she should heavily consider leaving. He then suggested that she could move into his grandmother's old room, and she agreed. They have stayed together ever since. Over the next year, they became very close. They dyed their hair together, and both got tattoos. Eventually she gave Kel and Hero tattoos as well. Aubrey encourages Basil to always keep fighting and to never give up. Aubrey fights with a metal bat.


AGE: 19 | HEIGHT: 6'2
"Hah.. well. I’ll be honest, seeing my friends happy is important to me. The least I could do is make sure they can get a good laugh, even in dark times like this."
Kel is a lovable guy who tends to put people's happiness before his own. The last thing he wants to see is his friends hurt, so he will do whatever it takes to protect them. While everyone was taking a break from each other after the telling of the Truth, months later, Kel started to go to Basil's house to check up on him. He believed Basil deserved to be checked on as much as Sunny was in the past. Aubrey wasn't ready to see anyone just yet, so he didn't bother her too much but made sure to message often. Hero tries to remind Kel to take care of himself as well, but Kel still forgets sometimes. Occassionally, his need to protect can make him act a bit recklessly, as seen in Chapter 4, but he does it out of love. He has a cactus tattoo on his chest.


AGE: 22 | HEIGHT: 6'3
"Sunny, wherever you are, we just hope you're safe."
Hero has always been the big brother figure in the friend group. He tries his best to make sure everyone in the group is comfortable and safe, and tries to be as reassuring as possible. He knows how hard things must have been for Sunny and Basil, and even though he needed a short time away after the Truth, he still always cared. Hero mainly deals as a healer in the story but is good at using his fists. Hero has a flower tattoo in memory of Mari on his left shoulder.


AGE: 12
"Now we're gonna do this my way. Oyasumi."
Omori is once again in full control of Sunny's Headspace in this series. Sunny didn't have it in him to make Omori fully disappear, so he recreates him. For the past 2 1/2 years, Headspace was practically frozen over. None of the Headspace characters have any idea that they were locked away, or even that Omori was missing. Sunny decided to shut that part of Headspace down, that is, until Omori regained his form and his sentience due to Sunny's spiraling mental state again.
Omori isn't thrilled that Sunny brought him back out of desperation, especially since Headspace is glitching out and in shambles. In the end, Omori agrees to take control back - but he plans to fully do things his own way knowing that Sunny's friends managed to land their way into Headspace, as well as having to control the collapsing Headspace in secret. In the earlier chapters, he tries to scare them out, hoping that they'll abandon Sunny like Sunny wants, but Omori knows deep down that isn't gonna work. He'll have to think of something new. Omori has the power to control characters in Headspace, however, there are certain characters that are out of his control, or who can break free of it.


Basil serves as the "eyes" of Headspace. As time passes in the story, Basil continues to find clues of what happened to them in the past couple of years since Sunny told the truth, along with what Omori has done to him. Basil tends to have a very hazy memory, but there are some hints that remind him of his true past. Basil tries to be understanding to the Real World friends, and acknowledge that they are just as important as his friends in Headspace. He develops a brotherly bond with Real World Basil early in the story, and often acts empathetic towards him due to his past suffering. Headspace Basil unlocks a hidden power, his vine attacks, in Chapter 4. He often uses it to protect others, but it is a very destructive power and must be used accordingly.
3 very bubbly Headspace friends! They follow the Real World friends as they look for their lost friend, Sunny. Over time, they begin to look up to their counterparts and learn that they are more than just "clones" of them. They also learn the truth behind Headspace and who they are, and begin to learn new things about themselves and each other.
Headspace Mari serves as a healer and secondary guide in the story. The Real World characters believe that something is off about her, but the Headspace characters don't believe so. The Real World characters feel like they're staring at an empty husk of their old friend. They occasionally interact with her, but they're admittedly a bit afraid to. Overall, she's quite the friendly soul. Her eyes are much more hollow then the other characters, representing that she is nothing more than a clone.
Mari's the coolest girl ever! -HS AUBREY
Something's a little different about her. - KEL
She's practically soulless, even in a lively place like this. - BASIL


AGE: ???
"Titan Arum, the corpse flower…it smells like decaying, rotting flesh. When you touch the spadix of a corpse flower, it feels almost human, full of blood, and you might expect to feel your hand pulse at its heartbeat.
My name.. is Arum.
Arum, or Titan Arum, is the evolved version of Basil's Something. Instead of representing Mari's death, it represents Basil himself, along with his despair. Basil still has his regrets over what he's done in his past, and Arum is a representation of how that regret can't go away for him so easily because it's hard for him to forgive himself. Deep down, he thinks he's a monster, so that's what Arum is. He's cold, frightening and aggressive. He has the jumprope tied around his neck, because deep down, Basil believes he deserves the same punishment for his sins. Hence why he smells like a rotting body, because he is dead. He also has wings that resemble Sunny's Something.
Basil tries to cover up his collapsing mental health, but accidentally reveals Arum's hold on him to his friends. Arum has the ability to speak, unlike Something. He sounds similar to Basil, but talks in a more deep, whispery tone (his voice lines can be found in the Q&A). Arum has the ability to spread on Basil's body, and can even fully take over if Basil loses himself in madness or despair. Basil cannot allow himself to succumb to him, or he will lose himself. Something is a being that follows you around, whereas Arum is more of a disease that drains you. It's as if Basil's guilt is eating at him.


You'll save me, won't you?
My best friend?

But what if I can't? What if I fail?
Will this world swallow me up too for good? How can I assure we all make it through this?
My Sunflower,
Can you hold out a little longer down there until I find you?I long for the sun, this heart in despair,
As I lose myself in this endless stare.
Together we may fade away,
Lost in the mind, banished, to stay.